P2P asset management - definição. O que é P2P asset management. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é P2P asset management - definição

P2P asset management         
Peer-to-peer asset management is the practice of sharing investment strategies between unrelated individuals, or "peers", without going through a traditional financial intermediary such as a bank or other collective investment management vehicle.
List of asset management firms         
Asset management company; Asset Management Firms; List of investment management firms; Asset management firm; Asset management firms
An asset management company (AMC) is an asset management / investment management company/firm that invests the pooled funds of retail investors in securities in line with the stated investment objectives. For a fee, the company/firm provides more diversification, liquidity, and professional management consulting service than is normally available to individual investors.
Digital asset management         
Digital asset management system; Digital Asset Management; Digital Photo Management; Media asset management; Digital access management; Production asset management; Essence management
Digital asset management (DAM) and the implementation of its use as a computer application is required in the collection of digital assets to ensure that the owner, and possibly their delegates, can perform operations on the data files.